Saturday, July 19, 2008

Inner self

I have been thinking...nothing in particular but all about myself... (yeah i am one of those who are 'me' centric)
Sometimes my own thoughts and actions make no sense at all even to myself and I often wonder 'huh! What the hell on the earth am I doing'.

No, I do not cry for having made mistakes...or regret or for that matter pity myself! I just know one thing for sure and believe it to the possible depth of it and that is 'all things u do have a reason...and sometimes you yourself dont know the reason!'
But then again, it's human to think...rethink ....of past and of future...of the things that have been or could have been,of how better you once were and where you can be....
Everyone is happy and sad at the same time...only thing that varies is the degree of it....

I have, off-late been trying to know my inner self...and all that i found was a perfect stranger within me...who is not me but a part of me....

Ultimately at the end of everyday what I am thinking is 'who am i?'


Ankur said...

Who are you....

someone who wont be a stranger to urself pretty soon!! :)

P.S. this was so like me!!!

Kamalzz said...
