Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I remember the time when I could see,
In the mirror a true reflection of me
It seemed, then the clock ticked slow
We cherished every moment …whether sun or snow
I sometimes wonder how things have changed
from our very selves, how we get estranged
the insatiable quest, that drives us mad
to get something we don’t have,
we forget all that we have ever had
In search of engilded treasures, we dig into the ground,
Turn every stone, not stopping,Until we have found
The clock keeps ticking until we are too old,
We look back at time, and realize..What we found was never gold
What went by as numbers was not just age,
The things that are lost are so difficult to gauge
Now when, I see the mirror
Staring back is some stranger,
There are so many questions in those eyes
Questions that ask how….what and why?

1 comment:

Ankur said...

wow... beautiful!!! :)

**The clock keeps ticking until we are too old,
We look back at time, and realize..What we found was never gold
What went by as numbers was not just age,
The things that are lost are so difficult to gauge

but then we wake up
looking again at the clock

and then we realize
that this is the age

when we have
have it all

wat we dreamt of
when we were small

a stick in hand
n shade for eyes

someone to look at
someone to smile

we arent alone
we arent lost
wat we have earned
is not less but lot

a family n friends
all so dear n close

this is the true reflection
of all but me!!!

i have a bad habbit of jottin down few lines when i really like some poem-verse!! :)