Last two days of rains washed away dust off everything around...making everything look cleaner, brighter and yes...greener :)
The day ahead looked to be pleasant...I was glee and looking forward to a great day at work too! But as the day passed ahead, something that I still cannot put my finger on started bothering me...the jitteriness, the irritability...I just wanted to go thrash someone!!! [No ain't the PMS]. Perhaps it's the lack of sleep ....or may be some unknown incomprehensible subconcious information processing activity taking place in my brain.
It just seemed like the heavens were imitating me...the clear skies were getting filled with some dark thunder..but a stillness in the air taking over...although the temperatures dropped down and it was not as humid...the pleasing feel seemed to have dissappeared....some kind of anger..some kind of rage taking over......its just incomprehensible atleast so far....
While i still try make sense of what's been bothering me throughout the day.....there's a song that's playing in my head..."nothing else matters.....metallica and symphony"
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