Friday, May 30, 2008


Latest thing...fuel price hike has sparked a hyteria in the city. Some fuel stations are shut the others are unreasonably crowded (damn! and its been like this for last 3 days).
Worse..I had absolutely no fuel in my bike (courtesy me ofcoure....I got this habit of refilling fuel only when the fuel indicator on the fuel meter crosses the red mark) and well here I pay a price :)
NO BIKE !!! ... so I travel by these three wheeled tiny little monsters called auto rickshaws that make hay under such circumstances...
Same thing today, no fuel, no bike, take an autorickshaw! As if this is not less, the city seems everyone leaves there home at the same time and has to reach somewhere earlier than others! Traffic jams ...exactly at the time when you are in a great hurry...what you do, tell the autorickshaw driver to take another route (mind you, a longer route that is, and you end up paying higher! )
Oh well did I mention the heaven's showering fire...?! yes the tempratures have been soaring in the city. Yeah yeah...know it sounds me cribbing of [hell! what do you fuel, traffic jam, auto fares, summer heat......phew!!!] Well if you are in this'd just love it (you just have no other option...if you can't beat them..join'em!)

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