Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cute puppies

I'd been to Mc. Donald's today (i m not a fan of the joint) but sometimes i do binge on the veg burgers n fries....but that's not what made me smile...

While i was heading out after a quick the parking lot I saw these two lil pups playing with each other....undaunted by the miseries of the world that surrounds them....these two cuties were so lovable that I could'nt stop myself from going and playing with them....and my!my! It was so cute when the puppies came jumping the moment I pett them...."awww choo cute" was all could say!
I wish I could take'em home.....but then mommy dear would throw me out.! And that would make three of us homeless hehe!


Ankur said...


u really love dogs!! me too!! :)


Kamalzz said...

they are the cutiest creatures God ever made!!!