Monday, July 14, 2008

Yet another day!

Ummm...yet another day when I m feeling like being a worthless being! (no its not like being in a negative oh-so-poor-me!)
I sometimes just feel this, absolutely low! Down at the bottom of a dark unrecognizable pit. Entangled in my own futile (sometimes bizzare) thoughts.Trying to sort out my brain is a herculean task!
At times just one thought or should we say one damn thought is good to make you feel low (at times for practicaly no reason at all).
Considering the fact that one cannot be peppy n perky all the time, its obvious that there are some dull,dark and lifeless days. No matter what u try,what u do to cheer yourself up it just does not work!
Self analysis tells me the source...its your matter how big or small,they just start taking a toll! Sometimes knowingly and at other times unknowingly....!

Strange as it may seem...but we all know it! And still bother ourselves with worrying.

...i think i m sounding like the head-burried-in-sand pessimist. I hope tommorow is better and gets the life back in this wandering soul!


Ankur said...

**Self analysis tells me the source...
its your matter how big or small,
they just start taking a toll!
Sometimes knowingly and at other times unknowingly....!

sounds completely like a poem to me, which tells the story!! :)


take care and have fun... :)


Kamalzz said...

I wish it'd come better off for a poem!!!

Ankur said...

ok ok!!

but it does to me!! :)
